Local Emergency Ends for West Fire

Alpine, California - The County of San Diego proclaimed a local emergency on July 6 for the West Fire in Alpine. The proclamation allows the County to request all federal and state assistance available to help fight the fire and rebuild. Current conditions no longer warrant a local emergency and therefore the Local Emergency for the West Fire has expired, effective midnight September 6.

Immediately following the West Fire, the County set up a Local Assistance Center at the Alpine Library to provide information and resources for residents who were affected by the fire. These resources included information on rebuilding, dealing with insurance, safe handling of ash and debris, and various other programs and assistance from governmental and nongovernmental partners.

During the recovery process, all 38 of the properties with destroyed structures have initiated or finalized clean-up of the fire debris and ash on their private properties. The County assisted fire survivors in recovery by providing debris bins in the community that resulted in approximately 1,570 cubic yards, or nearly 160 dump trucks, of ash and debris being removed from the impacted areas. There were 114 vehicles burned in the West Fire, for which the County was able to offer a free vehicle abatement for the vehicle owners.

Any residents affected by the West Fire who still need assistance with rebuilding should visit https://www.sdcountyrecovery.com for information and resources.